Greener Acres

New GMP Pilot Program Is Trimming CO2 and Costs for Landscapers with $700 Discount
Six days a week Scott Butts is cutting grass. And, he’s on a mission. His South Burlington landscaping business, The Green Side, is cutting carbon, too. The equipment he uses is electric –no emissions when he mows.
“It is kind of a no brainer,” he said. “People don’t realize that gas-powered lawn equipment is much dirtier than cars, or even as regulated as cars.”
He launched The Green Side nine years ago and says it is his way to help combat global warming. He points to EPA stats that say using one gas-fueled riding mower for an hour can pump out as much air pollution as driving 34 cars.
“Customers love it. I’m green, it is low noise, and they say they feel good knowing they’re doing their part,” Butts said.
GMP is launching a pilot program and offering a $700 discount to help landscaping customers adopt electric mowers and cut greener acres. Without combustion engines, electric mowers usually require less routine maintenance – no paying for oil changes or spark plugs to clean and change! The discount will apply to electric powered commercial mowers, and the program has 20 slots to start.
“The pilot program is going to help us gather information as we work to create more programs to help business customers cut carbon and costs,” said Josh Castonguay VP and Chief Innovation Officer at GMP. “Commercial mowers run all the time and cutting that carbon will have a big impact on cutting overall greenhouse gas emissions. This is just one of the many innovative programs we have to help customers save money and reduce carbon emissions.”
GMP’s energy experts can also help businesses with financial incentives on Electric Vehicles, EV chargers, and other innovative investments to find savings, improve operations, and green up.
The mowers covered by this pilot program can cost thousands of dollars and Butts says the $700 discount has him thinking about expanding his fleet. He says he’s not worried about other lawncare experts going green and possibly grabbing some of his market share.
“Climate change is getting worse. That means we all have to do more,” he explained. “I hope this incentive will spur on other companies. I welcome the competition!”
Interested in joining this green lawnmower pilot program?
Here’s how it works:
The $700 discount is given at the dealer, when you buy your new mower.
You have to:
- Be a GMP customer and provide a GMP bill to the dealer.
- Be replacing a fossil fuel mower or expanding a fleet.
- Provide the following information:
- Original or like mower purchase date (minimum 1 year old)
- Total runtime hours on the original or like mower
- Original or like mower make/model
- Charge your electric mower in GMP territory.
Here are the electric mowers covered by this pilot program:
- Mean Green WBX-33: Walk-behind electric mower.
- Mean Green DWBX-48/52 (ReVolt): Low-profile, wide-area combination walk-behind/stand-on commercial electric mower.
- Mean Green SK-48 (Stalker): Stand-on electric mower.
- Mean Green CXR-52/60: Zero-turn electric mower.
For more information on this new pilot program, where these mowers are sold in Vermont, or any of GMP’s business innovation programs, just give us a call at 1-888-835-4672!