To ensure that the actions of GMP’s directors, officers and employees continue to reflect our commitment to honesty and integrity, we provide a simple method to report actions that may violate our Code of Ethics and Conduct, including concerns about the Company’s accounting, internal accounting controls or auditing matters. This resource is available to employees, customers, vendors, shareholders, and any community member. This reporting system may be used to report illegal or unethical practices. The reports will be forwarded to proper GMP representatives for appropriate review and action. Any report of an apparent or suspected violation involving the Company’s accounting, internal accounting controls, or auditing matters will be forwarded to the Chair of the Audit Committee of the GMP Board of Directors. Investigations of matters referred to the chairman of the Audit Committee may be carried out at his or her discretion.
Information regarding such concerns should be given by calling the Corporation’s Compliance Hotline (toll-free) at (866) 273-4878, or by mailing information to:
Ethics Officer
Green Mountain Power Corporation
163 Acorn Lane
Colchester, VT 05446
Information may be given orally or in writing and may be given anonymously.
This reporting tool is not intended to replace or supersede existing reporting methods. GMP employees are still encouraged to express any concerns to their supervisors. If you are uncomfortable using existing channels, however, you are encouraged to take advantage of the anonymity of the reporting hotline.
However a report is received, no one submitting a report will be subjected to retaliatory actions for making a report or inquiry in good faith, or for seeking guidance on how to deal with potential or suspected improper behavior.