Rate Integration Paused for C & I Customers Due to COVID-19

The safety and health for our customers and employees is our top priority while we continue to provide a critical service to Vermonters, and we are sharing some updates that are important for your business. We understand the financial hardships facing companies and families across Vermont due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and we’ve taken steps to help and work to provide stability in this very uncertain time.
- First, we’ve received approval from the Public Utility Commission (PUC) to delay the fifth and last step in rate integration for our commercial and industrial customers that was set to take effect on April 1. This final step in the multi-year rate integration process would have increased costs for some businesses. That is now on hold for at least 6 months and will be revisited later this year.
- We’ve also received PUC approval to pause temporary charges that were also set to take effect April 1 and run through June 30. These power supply and storm charges are also on hold, and we will revisit whether to delay them further as the COVID-19 situation evolves.
- Disconnections and other collections activities like late fees are temporarily suspended. This applies to both commercial and residential customers. We implemented this more than two weeks ago because we believe this is the right thing to do – no one should worry about losing power at a time like this. Regular billing will continue.
It is an unprecedented time, and we are also taking steps to protect the health and safety of our customers and employees, to ensure we can continue to provide this essential service for Vermonters over the long run. Our offices are closed to the public, but our customer care lines are open, and our field crews are still doing essential safety work including outage response.
You can learn more about how GMP is responding to the COVID-19 situation and get the latest updates. You can also call (888) 835-4672.
Kristin Kelly, Green Mountain Power
(802) 318-0872
[email protected]